Greasing the Wheels of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: The Political Economy of Nuclear Suppliers Group Rules

What are the ways in which the rules of the NSG mitigate the transaction cost problems associated with cooperation and coordination in the international system?

Is There an International Disaster Risk Reduction Regime? Does it Matter?

What are we to make of these efforts at multinational and multi-actor governance? Are we witnessing the inception of a global disaster risk reduction regime?

Do Contracts Save Lives? The Relationship Between Contract Intensive Economies and Natural Disaster Fatalities

This paper provides evidence that a country's economy becomes more contract intensive, fatalities from natural disasters are likely to decrease.

On the Health of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime

Part of a special section on The Prague Agenda

The Formation of Transnational Knowledge Networks on Social Media

This article examines the structure and antecedents of two networks facilitated by the microblogging platform Twitter operating in the policy domain of emergency management.

Rules Versus Discretion: Comparing Disaster Declaration Institutions in the Philippines and Indonesia

What are the effects of institutional differences around the disaster declaration process?

Global Disaster Politics

An annotated syllabus for a graduate seminar on the global politics of disasters.

Regime Type, Peace, and Reciprocal Effects

We find that the reciprocal relationship between conflict and regime type is sustained as a theoretically and empirically valid way to think about these two concepts.

The Relative Efficacy of the Biological & Chemical Weapon Regimes

In this article, we return to and expand upon a framework for assessing regime health and effectiveness. We utilize this framework to engage in a comparative analysis of the chemical weapon (CW) and biological weapon (BW) nonproliferation regimes.

The Spotty Record of the Hyogo Framework for Action: Understanding the Incentives of Natural Disaster Politics and Policy Making

Given the increasing prevalence of large-scale natural disasters, why has progress implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) been so varied and so spotty?