Why Do Civil Wars Occur? Another Look at the Theoretical Dichotomy of Opportunity versus Grievance

In this article, we review the major theoretical arguments with regard to the causes of civil war and identify problems associated with the conceptual juxtaposition of opportunity versus grievance that predominates in the field.

The Health of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: Returning to a Multidimensional Evaluation

How do we assess the health of the nuclear nonproliferation regime? This paper returns to a theoretical framework that differentiates regimes, across both issue areas and time, to provide a more specified evaluation of regime health.

Sequencing Negotiating Partners: Implications for the Two-Level Game?

In the late 1990s, Japan and South Korea concluded their first bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) in completely opposite sequences despite similar domestic pressures. In this article, I analyze these cases and review the literature on bargaining and two‐level games to develop a model of how these differences in sequence account in part for the relative differences in each country's bargaining strength in their more difficult negotiations.

Peace in its Wake? The 2004 Tsunami and Internal Conflict in Indonesia & Sri Lanka

This article explores the differing outcomes with respect to the separatist conflicts in Indonesia and Sri Lanka that followed the 2004 tsunami.